My adventures surfing the web for new recipes.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Blueberry Muffins

Last weekend, we were at a friend's birthday party. Before leaving we were offered the opportunity to pick some blueberries, an activity Lexie loves to do.

I came home with a good 2 cups of berries Lexie happily picked, but won't eat. And I still have bags of berries in my freezer from earlier this summer. I had to figure out something to do with all these berries.

The farm picked berries have been jammed. And the three jars I have would be more than enough for Aiden and I, the only ones who really eat it.

I could bake something but what??

In the past I've tried to make a blueberry coffee cake type recipe that has always failed. And when looking at the recipe online Sunday, i read a few bad reviews that scared me away again from the recipe.

I kept surfing through my blog lists and searched them for muffin recipes. Muffins are an individually portioned, quick breakfast. I figured muffins could be frozen for the next month or so.

But most recipes were calling for lemon zest or juice. Neither of which I had nor willing to run to the store for(the store is a 10-15 minute ride) So I kept surfing.

After about a dozen recipes I found this one on Pioneer Woman's site. No lemon involved and I had plain yogurt in the frig from another recipe.

Review-- Quick to whip up with not a big mess. I ended up with 18 muffins that were yummy. The sugar on the top was a great trick I would have never have thought of. I skipped the sauce part since I knew these were mostly destined to be frozen, 12 are down in the deep freeze for later. Aiden liked them too. And Lexie, in true Lexie's style, refused to try them. This is definately something to add to the recipe box.

My new blog

I love looking at foodie sites and blogs. I like trying out recipes and dishes I could never have dreamed up myself. And I like sharing these recipes with ours, you know if I'm friends with you on Facebook land.

So instead of jamming up everyone's newsfeed with my newest finds, I figured I could blog about them. Plus I can add pictures and more thoughts than Facebook allows me too. And now if you don't wanna see my ideas on newsfeed you don't have to.